Event Date: November 13-15, 2024

Energy Oceania Conference Information

Welcome to the annual flagship conference, Global Renewable Energy Meet. The conference will be held in Melbourne during November 13-15, 2024.

Official Language

The official Language of the conference is English. Translation and interpreting services will not be available.


The submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed, accepted and registered abstracts will be published into supporting journals only after presentation during the conference, which will be sent for major indexing, such as Google Scholar and SCOPUS, etc.

Dress Code

We encourage participants to dress comfortably in business casual attire. Meeting room temperatures may vary, so wear layered clothing to ensure your personal comfort.

Special Instructions

Please arrive at the conference room at least 30 minutes before your session begins. There may be changes to the conference program, for which participants will be notified promptly. There is free Wi-Fi in the conference room. Electrical outlets will not be available for use due to safety reasons. As a courtesy to speakers and other participants, mobile phones must be turned to silent before entering the sessions. The event will be photographed. If you are taking photos, please turn off your flash. The distribution of advertising messages in any form is strictly prohibited, except for exhibitors/sponsors.

Visa and Invitation Letters


Conference participants may need an Australian visa to enter Australia. Specifically, those who are not Australian citizens, except passport holders from New Zealand, need an Australian visa.

Visitors traveling to Australia for tourism or business purposes for less than 90 days can obtain an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA). The Australian ETA is an electronically stored authorization for travel to Australia, meaning you don't need paper documentation or a stamp in your passport. The ETA Business Visa allows business people to visit Australia for work reasons for up to 3 months to conduct business. The ETA is an electronic label-free visa and can be obtained at the ETA website for a small service fee.

Eligible countries for ETA Business Visa

The following passport holders can access Australia's Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) issuing system online.

Andorra Iceland Republic of San Marino
Austria Ireland Singapore
Belgium Italy South Korea
Brunei Japan Spain
Canada Liechtenstein Sweden
Denmark Luxembourg Switzerland
Finland Malaysia Taiwan
France Malta The Netherlands
Germany Monaco The United Kingdom
Greece Norway The United States of America
Hong Kong (SAR) Portugal Vatican City

All other country participants can apply for a visa at the Australian embassy or consulate in the region in which they live. To avoid uncertainty, participants will be advised to apply for a visa as early as possible. It is recommended that they apply for an Australian visa at least 1 month in advance.

* For more information, please contact the local Australian Embassy in your country or visit https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/

Please note Energy Oceania and the organizing committee of the conference are not authorized to assist with the VISA process beyond providing the Notification of Invitation Letter issued by Energy Oceania and the conference Committee Board. Should your application be denied, Energy Oceania and the organizing committee of the conference cannot change the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, nor will Energy Oceania Australia and the organizing committee of the conference engage in discussion or correspondence with the Embassy on behalf of the applicant.

Invitation Letter

If you require a letter of invitation for your visa application, please submit a request for a letter of invitation.

At least one of the following criteria must be met in order to honor the request for a letter of invitation. The requesting party must either:

  • Be an author of an accepted submission (oral presentation, poster presentation)
  • Have paid the registration fee, in full, for this conference.

Please provide the following information in your request:

  • Title (Dr., Professor, Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms, etc.)
  • Your full name (Please specify family name and given name)
  • Organization
  • Full mailing address
  • Telephone and Fax numbers
  • Email address
  • Copy of Passport

Contact Details

Address: Prism Scientific Services Pty Ltd, 302/480 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia
Contact Number: +61 416000202
Contact Mail: writeus@scientificprism.com

For regular updates follow Renewable Energy Conferences in Australia website.

Prism Scientific Services Pty Ltd